Genie Door Opener IntelliG 1000 and 1200 Chain Cha

It's easy to find the right Genie IntelliG 1000 and Genie IntelliG 1200 garage door opener chain channel assembly replacement parts at North Shore Commercial Door. We have illustrated parts diagrams for these Genie IntelliG residential garage door operators that depict what the parts look like and how they connect with each other on your opener. Plus, we offer discount prices. We have Genie IntelliG chain channel assembly parts for garage door openers that operate garage doors as tall as 14 feet. Find replacement head-to-rail brackets, Genie tensioner assemblies and replacement chain pulleys. Or, purchase a chain and bullet assembly that's designed for your specific garage door size. The Genie 37049R.S blue hardware bag includes serrated lock nuts, bolts, lag screws, cotter pins, a shaft coupler and other hardware in sizes recommended for Genie IntelliG and Genie IntelliG 1200 garage door opener repairs and maintenance. Pay discount prices for one of our Genie chain drive sprocket assemblies or rail connectors. We have replacement Genie carriage assemblies for 7-foot, 8-foot, 10-foot, 12-foot and 14-foot doors. Buy curved door arms and carriage release handles made by Genie for Genie garage door operators.