Genie DC Chain and Belt Drive Rail Replacement Parts for PMX 700, PMX 1200, GPS 700IC, and GPS 1200 IC
On this page you will find rail replacement parts that are Professional Line Models: ProMax: PMX 700, PMX 1200 Stealth: GPS 700IC, GPS 1200 IC. If you cannot find the part you need, or have questions please feel free to contact us at Support@northshorecommercialdoor.com
Be sure to use our new Interactive Exploded Parts View to find the item you need! Using it is easy, just follow the directions below!
- Place your mouse over the number or letter representing the product you need. Product information should pop up.
- Click BUY NOW and you will be redirected to the product you need and can add item to cart.
- Use the table to find the item you need.
- Click the red text and it will take you to the product page.