BEA Passive Infrared Sensors

North Shore Commercial Door offers lower prices for BEA Inc. Fly Kit Request-to-Exit passive infrared sensors for manual or automatic commercial building doors.
These compact black sensors with microprocessors weigh just 1.4 oz. each. Each is just 4 in. wide, 1 4/5 in. high and 1 in. deep.
We have standard and ERT (extended relay time) BEA Fly Kit sensors. Mount these small Request-to-Exit sensors on walls, ceilings or above doors with your choice of surface-mount or flush/recessed-mount positioning.
Control building security, and monitor building traffic through your automatic door, with these compact BEA Fly Kit sensors. Choose BEA Fly Kits for standard relay times or extended relay times. Use our downloadable BEA Fly Kit spec sheets to determine the best choice for your operation.
Standard BEA Fly Kits
The BEA 10FLYKITB automatic door sensor kit with PIR (passive infrared) sensor includes a BEA10FLYBLK sensor, a BEA 10FCABLK ceiling adapter and a BEA 10FSABLK surface adapter. This standard BEA Fly Kit has a 0.5 second or 2 second relay hold time.
Each BEA Fly Kit includes two sensing field adjustment masks to adjust your motion detection fields. Use the built-in dip switches to define monitoring settings.
Extended Relay Time BEA Fly Kits
The BEA ERT (Extended Relay Time) Fly Kit is designed for longer hold times. The relay hold time for a BEA ERT Fly Kit passive infrared Request-to-Exit sensor is designed for a 15-second or 30-second hold time.
The BEA 10FLYKITBERT Fly Kit Includes a black 10FLYBLKERT PIR FLY Extended Relay Time (ERT) sensor, a BEA 10FCABLK flush-mount ceiling adapter and one BEA 10FSABLK surface-mount wall adapter.
Standard and ERT BEA Fly Kits can be used to release magnetic locks and electric strikes on automatic or manually operated doors. Both use dip switches to determine settings. Each version has a 10-second warm-up time and 200-millisecond maximum response time.
The manufacturer recommends a mounting height of 6 1/2 ft. to 8 ft., with a maximum mounting height of 10 ft.
If you have any questions, can’t find the item you are looking for or need assistance placing your order, North Shore Commercial Door is here to help! Please contact our helpful support team by phone at 1-800-783-6112 or direct chat between the hours of 8 a.m. and 4:30 p.m. Eastern time, Monday through Friday. Or, send us your request any time via e-mail to